Donnerstag, 13. April 2023

Migrate to Spring Boot 3, but stay with jaxws-api 2.3.1

There are good guides (Spring Boot 3.0 Migration Guide) to migrate a Spring Boot 2.7.x project to 3.0.x, but in my case I got some technical debt from jaxws.

The project consumes a lot of different services (soap, rest) where the generated code is capsuled in a little jar. This jars are used by some other projects, so I could not touch them. This means the project has to use jaxws-api 2.3.1.

I got a lot of errors when following the normal migration guides with the jaxb stuff which all could be solved with the proper dependencies.

Dependencies before migration:

                <!--this is excluded to have fewer log entries on startup-->

After a lot of trail and error I came up with the following solution:

        <!-- needed for java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.xml.bind.api.JAXBRIContext -->
                <!-- this is excluded to have fewer log entries on startup -->